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Univerzitet „Bijeljina“ je u Hotelu „Drina“ u Bijeljini u periodu od 18. do 19. oktobra 2024. godine u saradnji sa Savezom medicinskih sestara i tehničara Republike Srpske organizovao Drugi naučno-stručni kongres sa međunarodnim učešćem "Zdravlje za sve - pogled u budućnost".

Prvog radnog dana kongresa je održana uspješna prezentacija HAWKING projekta od strane projektnog tima ispred Univerziteta „Bijeljina“ koji je ujedno i partner na ovom značajnom projektu.

Prezentaciji projekta su prisustvovali predstavnici Ministarstva zdravlja i socijalne zaštite RS, predstavnici akademske zajednice, Fondacije Fami, kao i direktori bolnica i domova zdravlja, medicinske sestre, brojni zdravstveni radnici i druge zainteresovane strane.

HAWKING projekat predvodi digitalnu transformaciju u oblasti visokog obrazovanja za studente sa invaliditetom na Zapadnom Balkanu i vrši promociju inkluzivnog obrazovanja, ravnopravnosti, pravičnosti, dostupnosti, kao i promociju digitalnih kompetencija.

Specifični ciljevi projekta se odnose na uspostavljanje mehanizma digitalne tranzicije iz oblasti srednjeg u oblast visokog obrazovanja sa posebnim osvrtom na studente sa invaliditetom i na poboljšanje institucionalnog i infrastrukturnog okruženja na partnerskim visokoškolskim ustanovama uz unapređenje inkluzivnih metodologija učenja kako bi se premostili nedostaci digitalizacije u obrazovanju i pružanju inkluzivne podrške.


"Bijeljina" University, in the "Drina" Hotel in Bijeljina, in the period from October 18 to 19, 2024, in cooperation with the Association of Nurses and Technicians of the Republic of Srpska, organized the Second Scientific-Professional Congress with international participation "Health for All - View in future". On the first working day of the congress, a successful presentation of the HAWKING project was held by the project team in front of the "Bijeljina" University, which is also a partner in this important project.

The presentation of the project was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Srpska, representatives of the academic community, the Fami Foundation, as well as directors of hospitals and health centers, nurses, numerous health professionals and other stakeholders.

The HAWKING project leads the digital transformation in the field of higher education for students with disabilities in the Western Balkans and promotes inclusive education, equality, equity, accessibility, as well as the promotion of digital competencies.

The specific goals of the project refer to the establishment of a digital transition mechanism from the secondary to the field of higher education with a special focus on students with disabilities and to the improvement of the institutional and infrastructural environment at partner higher education institutions with the improvement of inclusive teaching methodologies in order to overcome the digitalization gaps in education and inclusive support provision.




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